Magic in the Mire

Magic in the Mire


Magic in the Mire: Surviving change and turning its challenges into gold.

Major life change like redundancy, divorce or death can pull the rug out from under our feet, drive us to depression AND can be our biggest source of gold. With tools, knowledge and support this potentially traumatic or depressive time can be the place where we find new meaning and purpose. When we re-wire our somatic pathways with this gold we not only survive; we learn to thrive in our pleasure, power and freedom.

I wrote this little book for people in the midst or the aftermath of change. It is full of the tools that have helped me through my own challenges and continue to help my clients find their gold. Download it and share it round, this is for anyone and everyone who could benefit with the support of new tools to navigate change and its challenges.

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I am Sonia Waters, the leading somatic s-x educator in New Zealand, Wildself CEO and embodiment therapist. I guide singles and couples in their pleasure, power, and freedom, to live their best life. I live in Wanaka, New Zealand, and offer bodywork in person or online. I run embodiment adventures in the mountains and workshops on the lowlands to share the wonders of embodied living.

Thank you so much for visiting this site, your presence has been felt and is deeply appreciated. 🤍   

Lots of love,
